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Catholics in Action

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Entrusted to Servi Trinitatis, Catholics in Action is an extension of the Church's beloved Catholic Action.

Catholic Action, as described by Vatican II and by Pope Pius XI is "the collaboration of the laity in the apostolate of the hierarchy...the highest form of lay apostolate" and has been entrusted to the Secular Institute of Servi Trinitatis, which is developing its apostolate at the parish of St. Anne in Gilbert, Arizona. Catholics in Action is an extension of the Church's beloved Catholic Action and its mission is to help bring forth new fruits of holiness amongst the laity, as it did with people like St. Gianna Beretta Molla, Blessed Pier Giogio Frassati or Blessed Anacleto Gonzalez flores, recently portrayed in the movie "For Greater Glory" by Mexican actor Eduardo Verásegui. In Europe, primarily in Italy and Spain, the Catholic Action is a widely known apostolic movement composed only by secular members and it is characterized by its union to the Holy Father the Pope and the Bishops. The ministry was started at the parish of St. Anne in Gilbert, Arizona with the hope of it bearing fruits of holiness amonst the American Lay community, just as it has in other countries.


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67 S Higley Road, Suite 103-193

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“22 The Lord hath blessed thee by his power, because by thee he hath brought our enemies to nought. 23 Blessed art thou, O daughter, by the Lord the most high God, above all women upon the earth. 24 Blessed be the Lord who made heaven and earth, who hath directed thee to the cutting off the head of the prince of our enemies. 25 Because he hat so magnified thy name this day, that the praise shall not depart out of the mouth of men who shall be mindful of the power of the Lord for ever, for that thou hast not spared thy life, by reason of the distress and tribulation of thy people, but hast prevented our ruin in the presence of our God. 10 Thou art the glory of Jerusalem, thou art the joy of Israel, thou art the honour of our people…” Judith 13:21-25; 15:10 "More than all the angels and all the saints has God ineffable freely endowed Mary with the fullness of the heavenly gifts that abound in the divine treasury; and she, preserving herself ever immaculately clean from the slightest taint of sin, attained a fullness of innocence and holiness so great as to be unthinkable apart from God Himself, a fullness that no one other than God will ever possess." Spurred on by piety and faith, may we glory in being subject to the rule of the Virgin Mother of God; she bears the royal sceptre in her hand, while her heart is ever aflame with motherlove. Excerpted from Ad Caeli Reginam, Pius XII. O God, who made the Mother of your Son to be our Mother and our Queen, graciously grant that, sustained by her intercession, we may attain in the heavenly Kingdom the glory promised to your children. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. #QueenshipoftheBlessedVirginMary #CoronationoftheBlessedVirginMary #QueenMother #BlessedVirginMary #BVM #MotherofGod #BlessedMother #MotheroftheChurch #MotherofChristians #PrayforUs #Catholic #RomanCatholic #Catholicism #CatholicAction #CatholicCulture #UniversalChurch #SignofFaith #FaithinChrist #Faith


“ 1 And a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars: 2 And being with child, she cried travailing in birth, and was in pain to be delivered. 3 And there was seen another sign in heaven: and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads, and ten horns: and on his head seven diadems: 4...and the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to be delivered; that he might devour her son. 5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with an iron rod: and her son was taken up to God, and to his throne. 6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she had a place prepared by God..." Apocalypse 12:1-6 The Assumption completes God's work in her since it was not fitting that the flesh that had given life to God himself should ever undergo corruption. The Assumption is God's crowning of His work as Mary ends her earthly life and enters eternity. The feast turns our eyes in that direction, where we will follow when our earthly life is over. In 1950, in the Apostolic Constitution Munificentissimus Deus, Pope Pius XII proclaimed the Assumption of Mary a dogma of the Catholic Church in these words: "The Immaculate Mother of God, the ever-virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heaven." Almighty ever-living God, who assumed the Immaculate Virgin Mary, the Mother of your Son, body and soul into heavenly glory, grant we pray, that, always attentive to the things that are above, we may merit to be sharers of her glory. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. #AssumptionoftheBlessedVirginMary #TheAssumption #TheDormitionoftheBlessedVirginMary #BlessedVirginMary #MotherofGod #BlessedMother #MotheroftheChurch #MotherofChristians #PrayforUs #Solemnity #Catholic #RomanCatholic #Catholicism #CatholicAction #CatholicCulture #UniversalChurch #SignofFaith #FaithinChrist #Faith


““1 Jesus taketh with him Peter and James and John, and leadeth them up into a high mountain apart by themselves, and was transfigured before them. 3 And there appeared to them Elias with Moses; and they were talking with Jesus. 4 And Peter answering, said to Jesus: Rabbi, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles, one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias. 5 For he knew not what he said: for they were struck with fear. 6 And there was a cloud overshadowing them: and a voice came out of the cloud, saying: This is my most beloved son; hear ye him. 7 And immediately looking about, they saw no man any more, but Jesus only with them.” Mark 9:1-7 DRC 1752 Our divine Redeemer... took with him St. Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, Sts. James and John, and led them to a retired mountain. It rises something like a sugar-loaf, in a vast plain in the middle of Galilee. This was the place in which the Man-God appeared in His glory. His face was altered and shone as the sun, and his garments became white as snow. Moses and Elias were seen by the three apostles in his company on this occasion, and were heard discoursing with him of the death which he was to suffer in Jerusalem O God, who in the glorious Transfiguration of your Only Begotten Son confirmed the mysteries of faith by the witness of the Fathers and wonderfully prefigured our full adoption to sonship, grant, we pray, to your servants, that, listening to the voice of your beloved Son, we may merit to become co-heirs with him. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. #TheTransfigurationoftheLord #TransfigurationofJesus #JesusChrist #Jesus #Trinity #GodtheFather #GodtheSon #GodtheHolyGhost #GodtheHolySpirit #OneGodThreePersons #God #ThreeinOne #RevealedTruth #Catholic #RomanCatholic #Catholicism #CatholicAction #CatholicCulture #UniversalChurch #SignofFaith #FaithinChrist #Faith


We celebrate the dedication of one of the four most illustrious churches of Rome. While each diocese and parish keeps its own dedication anniversary, the Church universal commemorates the consecration of the four great Roman basilicas, the mother churches, we may call them, of Christendom, viz., St. John Lateran, St. Peter, St. Paul Outside the Walls, and St. Mary Major. By means of these feasts the Church seeks to link all Christians with the Holy See. This feast commemorates the miracle of the snowfall that occurred during the night of August 4-5 in the year 358 on the site where the basilica now stands. According to tradition, the Virgin Mary appeared in a dream to two faithful Roman Christians, the patrician John and his wife, as well as to Pope Liberius (352-366), asking that a church be built in her honor on the site where snow would fall on the night of August 4-5. Pope Liberius traced the outlines of the church in the snow and the first basilica was built on that site. It was completed about a century later by Pope Sixtus III (432-440), after the Council of Ephesus in 431 during which Mary was declared to be the Mother of God. In Rome the Basilica of St. Mary Major will hold its traditional triduum from August 1 to 3 and two days of celebration on August 4 and 5. During the pontifical Mass and the second vespers, the traditional shower of flower petals will descend from the ceiling of the basilica to commemorate the August snowfall in 358. Pardon the faults of your servants, we pray, O Lord, that we, who cannot please you by our own deeds, may be saved through the intercession of the Mother of your Son and our Lord. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. #DedicationofStMaryMajor #SantaMariaMaggiore #SaintMaryMajor #BlessedVirginMary #MotherofGod #MotheroftheChurch #MotherofChristians #RevealedTruth #Bascilica #Catholic #RomanCatholic #Catholicism #CatholicAction #CatholicCulture #UniversalChurch #SignofFaith #FaithinChrist #Faith


“12 I have yet many things to say to you: but you cannot bear them now. 13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will teach you all truth. For he shall not speak of himself; but what things soever he shall hear, he shall speak; and the things that are to come, he shall shew you. 14 He shall glorify me; because he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it to you. 15 All things whatsoever the Father hath, are mine. Therefore I said, that he shall receive of mine, and shew it to you.” John 16:12-15 The dogma of faith which forms the object of the feast is this: There is one God and in this one God there are three Divine Persons; the Father is God, the Son is God, the Holy Spirit is God. Yet there are not three Gods, but one, eternal, incomprehensible God! The Father is not more God than the Son, neither is the Son more God than the Holy Spirit. The Father is the first Divine Person; the Son is the second Divine Person, begotten from the nature of the Father from eternity; the Holy Spirit is the third Divine Person, proceeding from the Father and the Son. No mortal can fully fathom this sublime truth. But I submit humbly and say: Lord, I believe, help my weak faith. The fundamental dogma, on which everything in Christianity is based, is that of the Blessed Trinity in whose name all Christians are baptized. The feast of the Blessed Trinity needs to be understood and celebrated as a prolongation of the mysteries of Christ and as the solemn expression of our faith in this triune life of the Divine Persons, to which we have been given access by Baptism and by the Redemption won for us by Christ. Only in heaven shall we properly understand what it means, in union with Christ, to share as sons in the very life of God. God our Father, who by sending into the world the Word of truth and the Spirit of sanctification made known to the human race your wondrous mystery, grant us, we pray, that in professing the true faith, we may acknowledge the Trinity of eternal glory and adore your Unity, powerful in majesty. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. #SolemnityoftheHolyTrinity #TrinitySunday #MostHolyTrinity #Trinity #GodtheFather #GodtheSon #GodtheHolyGhost #GodtheHolySpirit #OneGodThreePersons #God #ThreeinOne #RevealedTruth #Catholic #RomanCatholic #Catholicism #CatholicAction #CatholicCulture #UniversalChurch #SignofFaith #FaithinChrist #Faith


“19Now when it was late that same day, the first of the week, and the doors were shut, where the disciples were gathered together for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst, and said to them: Peace be to you. 20And when he had said this he shewed them his hands and his side. The disciples therefore were glad, when they saw the Lord. 21He said therefore to them again: Peace be to you. As the Father hath sent me, I also send you. 22When he had said this, he breathed on them; and said to them: Receive ye the Holy Ghost. 23Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.” John 20:19-23 After Jesus had ascended to heaven from Mt. Olivet, the apostles and disciples returned to the Holy City. They remained together in the Upper Room or Cenacle, the place where Jesus had appeared to them and which may well be called the first Christian church. About a hundred and twenty persons were assembled there. They chose Matthias as an apostle in place of the unhappy Judas; they prayed and waited for the Paraclete. Ten days had passed, it was Sunday, the seventh Sunday after the resurrection. At about nine o'clock in the morning, as they were together praying fervently, the Holy Spirit descended upon them. Note how all the great theophanies in Christ's life occurred during the course of prayer. After His baptism, for instance, when Jesus was praying the heavens opened and the Holy Spirit descended in the form of a dove; likewise, it was during prayer at night that the transfiguration took place on Tabor. Surely too it was while Mary was praying that Gabriel delivered his message, and the Holy Spirit overshadowed her. Pentecost followed precedent. The small community of Christians had prepared themselves through prayer for the coming of the Paraclete. The same is true at Mass today, every day; through prayer we ready our souls for the advent of the Spirit. Almighty ever-living God, who willed the Paschal Mystery to be encompassed as a sign in fifty days, grant that from out of the scattered nations the confusion of many tongues may be gathered by heavenly grace into one great confession of your name. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. #PentecostSunday #Pentecost #VeniSancteSpiritus #ComeHolyGhost #ComeHolySpirit #HolyGhost #HolySpirit #TheAdvocate #TheParaclete #TheConsoler #BirthdayoftheChurch #Catholic #RomanCatholic #Catholicism #CatholicAction #CatholicCulture #UniversalChurch #SignofFaith #FaithinChrist #Faith


Catholics in Action First Ever Member Incorporation Ceremony "I will seek to fulfill my duties, with the Grace of God.” Congratulations to the newly incorporated members of Catholics in Action as they fulfill their, roles, vocations, and duties with the Grace of God, as they seek to, “obey God rather than men.” Acts 5:29 Thank you to the clergy that were in attendance to celebrate this ceremony with a Holy Mass for the newly incorporated. Fr. Sergio Fita, pastor of St. Anne Roman Catholic Parish @StAnneGilbert and a priest of the Catholic religious institute Servi Trinitatis @servitrinitatis, Fr. Antonio Martínez Racionero @pgeneralst, Superior of the Catholic religious institute Servi Trinitatis in Spain, and of course for the presence of The Most Reverend Auxiliary Bishop of Phoenix Eduardo Nevares @bishopnevares . It was an honor and a privilege to have so many dedicated and faithful servants of Our Lord Jesus to witness this occasion. THANK YOU! #CatholicsinAction #CatholicAction #IWillSeektoFulfillwiththeGraceofGod #ObeyGodRatherThanMen #FortheGreaterGloryofGod


“26And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them. Jesus cometh, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said: Peace be to you. 27Then he saith to Thomas: Put in thy finger hither, and see my hands; and bring hither thy hand, and put it into my side; and be not faithless, but believing. 28Thomas answered, and said to him: My Lord, and my God. 29Jesus saith to him: Because thou hast seen me, Thomas, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and have believed.” John 20:26-29 The Holy Gospel that the Liturgy presents to us on this second Sunday of Easter, is one of the most well known, discussed, and appreciated—the meeting of the Risen Lord with St Thomas. The Fathers of the Church have given us numerous insights into this Gospel text. Likewise, it is has proven the inspiration to the numerous artists who have physically represented the events of this Gospel in order to give us a clear idea of what happened, ‘eight days after’ the first apparition of the Risen One, to the disciples congregated in the cenacle (the upper room). Jesus’ response to Thomas, after he recognized Him as ‘My Lord and my God’, has a mysterious fascination that must relate not so much to the disciples—those who ‘have seen’—but rather to those, like us, who were added to their number afterwards. ‘You have come to believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.’ (Jn 20:29) God of everlasting mercy, who in the very recurrence of the paschal feast kindle the faith of the people you have made your own, increase, we pray, the grace you have bestowed, that all may grasp and rightly understand in what font they have been washed, by whose Spirit they have been reborn, by whose Blood they have been redeemed. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen, #DivineMercySunday #DivineMercy #FeastofDivineMercy #SecondSundayofEaster #LordJesusChrist #JesusChrist #Jesus #ChristJesusVictor #TheTombisEmpty #ConqueredDeath #RedemptionofMan #EasterSeason #Catholic #RomanCatholic #Catholicism #CatholicAction #CatholicCulture #UniversalChurch #SignofFaith #FaithinChrist #Faith


“2(Mary Magdalen) ran, therefore, and cometh to Simon Peter, and to (John).., and saith: They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulchre, and we know not where they have laid him. 4And they both ran together... 6Then cometh Simon Peter, following (John), and went into the sepulchre, and saw the linen cloths lying, 7And the napkin that had been about his head, not lying with the linen cloths, but apart, wrapped up into one place. 8Then that other disciple also went in who came first to the sepulchre: and he saw, and believed. 9For as yet they knew not the scripture, that he must rise again.” John 20: 2, 4, 6-9 Easter is the feast of feasts.... In the very center of the Mass, the great prayer of thanksgiving, from the first words of the Preface, expresses the unrivaled motive for this joy: if it is right to praise You, Lord, at all times, how much more so should we not glorify You on this day when Christ our Passover was sacrificed, for He is the true Lamb who took away the sins of the world, who by His Death destroyed our death and by His Resurrection restored our life. Easter means, then, Redemption obtained: sin destroyed, death overcome, divine life brought back to us, the resurrection of our body which is promised immortality. With such a certitude, we should banish all trace of sadness. O God, who on this day, through your Only Begotten Son, have conquered death and unlocked for us the path to eternity, grant, we pray, that we who keep the solemnity of the Lord's Resurrection may, through the renewal brought by your Spirit, rise up in the light of life. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen #ChristisRisen #ChristisTrulyRisen #ResurrectionoftheLord #ResurrectionofJesus #ResurrectionfromtheDead #EasterSunday #Easter #LordJesusChrist #JesusChrist #Jesus #ChristJesusVictor #TheTombisEmpty #ConqueredDeath #RedemptionofMan #HolyWeek #Catholic #RomanCatholic #Catholicism #CatholicAction #CatholicCulture #UniversalChurch #SignofFaith #FaithinChrist #Faith


Holy Saturday “For he that made thee shall rule over thee, the Lord of hosts is his name: and thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, shall be called the God of all the earth. Isaias 54:5 “And on the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came to the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared. And they found the stone rolled back from the sepulchre. And going in, they found not the body of the Lord Jesus.” Luke 24:1-3 #TheHolyTriduum #HolySaturday #VigilofEaster #ResurrectionofChrist #Resurrection #Redemption #Salvation #TheTombisEmpty #StoneRolledBack #Catholic #RomanCatholic #Catholicism #CatholicAction #CatholicCulture #UniversalChurch #SignofFaith #FaithinChrist #Faith


The Sorrowful Mysteries - The Crucifixion “In thy sight are all they that afflict me; my heart hath expected reproach and misery. And I looked for one that would grieve together with me, but there was none: and for one that would comfort me, and I found none.” Psalm 68:21 “And when they were come to the place which is called Calvary, they crucified him there; and the robbers, one on the right hand, and the other on the left. And Jesus said: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. But they, dividing his garments, cast lots. And he (one of the robbers) said to Jesus: Lord, remember me when thou shalt come into thy kingdom. And Jesus said to him: Amen I say to thee, this day thou shalt be with me in paradise. And Jesus crying out with a loud voice, said: Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit. And saying this, he gave up the ghost.” Luke 23:33-34, 42-43, 46 #TheCrucifixion #TheSorrowfulMysteries #TheHolyRosary #JesusChrist #Jesus #PassionofChrist #DeathofJesus #Catholic #RomanCatholic #Catholicism #CatholicAction #CatholicCulture #UniversalChurch #SignofFaith #FaithinChrist #Faith


Good Friday “But he was wounded for our iniquities, he was bruised for our sins: the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and by his bruises we are healed.” Isaias 53:5 “Jesus therefore came forth, bearing the crown of thorns and the purple garment. And (Pilate) saith to them: Behold the Man. When the chief priests, therefore, and the servants, had seen him, they cried out, saying: Crucify him, crucify him.” John 19:5-6 #TheHolyTriduum #GoodFriday #FridayofthePassionofTheLord #Passion #Crucifixion #Death #Entombment #Sacrifice #ItisFinished #Catholic #RomanCatholic #Catholicism #CatholicAction #CatholicCulture #UniversalChurch #SignofFaith #FaithinChrist #Faith


The Sorrowful Mysteries - The Carrying of the Cross “They are multiplied above the hairs of my head, who hate me without cause. My enemies have grown strong who have wrongfully persecuted me: then did I pay that which I took not away.” Psalm 68:5 “And after they had mocked him, they took off the purple from him, and put his own garments on him, and they led him out to crucify him.” Mark 15:20 “And they came to the place that is called Golgotha, which is the place of Calvary.” Matthew 27:33 #TheCarryingoftheCross #TheSorrowfulMysteries #TheHolyRosary #JesusChrist #Jesus #PassionofChrist #Catholic #RomanCatholic #Catholicism #CatholicAction #CatholicCulture #UniversalChurch #SignofFaith #FaithinChrist #Faith


Holy Thursday “And this day shall be a memorial to you: and you shall keep it a feast to the Lord in your generations with an everlasting observance.” Exodus 12:14 “And whilst they were at supper, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and broke: and gave to his disciples, and said: Take ye, and eat. This is my body. And taking the chalice, he gave thanks, and gave to them, saying: Drink ye all of this. For this is the blood of the new testament, which shall be shed for many unto remission of sins.” Matthew 26:26-28 #TheHolyTriduum #HolyThursday #MassoftheLordsSupper #LastSupper #FirstMass #HolyEucharist #Priesthood #PassoverMeal #Catholic #RomanCatholic #Catholicism #CatholicAction #CatholicCulture #UniversalChurch #SignofFaith #FaithinChrist #Faith


The Sorrowful Mysteries - The Crowning with Thorns “I have given my body to the strikers, and my cheeks to them that plucked them: I have not turned away my face from them that rebuked me, and spit upon me.” Isaias 50:6 “Then the soldiers of the governor taking Jesus into the hall, gathered together unto him the whole band; And stripping him, they put a scarlet cloak about him. And platting a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand. And bowing the knee before him, they mocked him, saying: Hail, king of the Jews. And spitting upon him, they took the reed, and struck his head.” Matthew 27:27-30 #TheCrowningwithThorns #TheSorrowfulMysteries #TheHolyRosary #JesusChrist #Jesus #PassionofChrist #Catholic #RomanCatholic #Catholicism #CatholicAction #CatholicCulture #UniversalChurch #SignofFaith #FaithinChrist #Faith


The Sorrowful Mysteries - The Scourging at the Pillar “But He was wounded for our iniquities, He was bruised for our sins: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and by His bruises we are healed.” Isaias 53:5 “Pilate saith to them: What shall I do then with Jesus that is called Christ? They say all: Let him be crucified. The governor said to them: Why, what evil hath he done? But they cried out the more, saying: Let him be crucified. And Pilate seeing that he prevailed nothing, but that rather a tumult was made; taking water washed his hands before the people, saying: I am innocent of the blood of this just man; look you to it. And the whole people answering, said: His blood be upon us and our children. Then releasing to them Barabbas, and having scourged Jesus, delivered him unto them to be crucified.” Matthew 27:22-26 #TheScourgingatthePillar #TheSorrowfulMysteries #TheHolyRosary #JesusChrist #Jesus #PassionofChrist #Catholic #RomanCatholic #Catholicism #CatholicAction #CatholicCulture #UniversalChurch #SignofFaith #FaithinChrist #Faith


The Sorrowful Mysteries - The Agony in the Garden “He was offered because it was his own will, and he opened not his mouth: he shall be lead as a sheep to the slaughter, and shall be dumb as a lamb before his shearer, and he shall not open His mouth.” Isaias 53:7 “Then he saith to them: My soul is sorrowful even unto death: stay you here, and watch with me. And going a little further, he fell upon his face, praying, and saying: My Father, if it be possible, let this chalice pass from me. Nevertheless not as I will but as thou wilt.” Matthew 26:38-39 “And there appeared to him an angel from heaven, strengthening him. And being in agony, he prayed the longer. And his sweat became as drops of blood, trickling down upon the ground.” Luke 22:43-44 #TheAgonyintheGarden #TheSorrowfulMysteries #TheHolyRosary #JesusChrist #Jesus #PassionofChrist #Catholic #RomanCatholic #Catholicism #CatholicAction #CatholicCulture #UniversalChurch #SignofFaith #FaithinChrist #Faith


“As Jesus rode along, the people were spreading their cloaks on the road; and now as he was approaching the slope of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of his disciples began to praise God aloud with joy for all the mighty deeds they had seen. They proclaimed: ‘Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord.’” Lk19:36-38 The Palm Sunday procession is formed of Christians who, in the "fullness of faith," make their own the gesture of the Jews and endow it with its full significance. Following the Jews' example we proclaim Christ as a Victor... Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord. But by our faith we know, as they did not, all that His triumph stands for. He is the Messiah, the Son of David and the Son of God. He is the sign of contradiction, acclaimed by some and reviled by others. Sent into this world to wrest us from sin and the power of Satan, He underwent His Passion, the punishment for our sins, but issues forth triumphant from the tomb, the victor over death, making our peace with God and taking us with Him into the kingdom of His Father in heaven. Almighty ever-living God, who as an example of humility for the human race to follow caused our Savior to take flesh and submit to the Cross, graciously grant that we may heed his lesson of patient suffering and so merit a share in his Resurrection. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. #ChristsEntryintoJerusalem #BlessedistheKing #HosannaintheHighest #Hosanna #PalmSunday #PassionoftheLord #PassionofChrist #JesusChrist #Jesus #HolyWeek #DeathofJesus #Catholic #RomanCatholic #Catholicism #CatholicAction #CatholicCulture #UniversalChurch #SignofFaith #FaithinChrist #Faith


My Jesus, Lord, You know my spirit is as willing as my flesh is weak. The teaching You could not impart, the sufferings You could not bear, the works of love You could not do in Your short life on earth, let me impart, and bear, and do through You But I am nothing, Lord. Help me! #Jesus #JesusChrist #Lent #StationsoftheCross #WayoftheCross #PassionofChrist #Fast #Pray #Charity #Suffering #CarryYourCross #BearthePainofOthers #Obedience Pic: St Anne Stations of the Cross Words: Everyone's Way of the Cross (1970) - Clarence Enzler - Ave Maria Press


I beg You, Lord, help me accept the partings that must come - from friends who go away, my children leaving home, and most of all, my dear ones when You shall call them to Yourself. Then give me grace to say: "As it has pleased You, Lord, to take them home, I bow to Your most holy will. And if by just one word I might restore their lives against Your will, I would not speak." Grant them eternal joy. #Jesus #JesusChrist #Lent #StationsoftheCross #WayoftheCross #PassionofChrist #Fast #Pray #Charity #Suffering #CarryYourCross #BearthePainofOthers #Obedience Pic: St Anne Stations of the Cross Words: Everyone's Way of the Cross (1970) - Clarence Enzler - Ave Maria Press


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3321 E Queen Creek Road, Ste 101, Gilbert
American, Breakfast, Brunch
Thai Chili
3641 E Baseline Rd Ste Q102, Gilbert
Asian, Thai
Pescado Borracho
2540 S Val Vista Dr Ste 104, Gilbert
Latin American, Mexican
Wild Ginger Asian Bistro
861 North Higley Rd Suite 111, Gilbert
Asian, Asian Fusion, Chinese
Ta Lew Thai Bistro
1493 S Higley Rd, # 102, Gilbert
Asian, Thai
Hotels nearby

Also check these Hotels nearby:

JW Marriott Scottsdale Camelback Inn Resort & Spa
5402 East Lincoln Drive, Paradise Valley
Four Seasons Resort Scottsdale at Troon North
10600 E Crescent Moon Dr, Scottsdale
Hotel Resort
Gainey Suites Hotel
7300 E Gainey Suites Dr, Scottsdale
Hotel Resort
Sheraton Desert Oasis Villas, Scottsdale
17700 N Hayden Rd, Scottsdale
Hotel Resort
JW Marriott Phoenix Desert Ridge Resort & Spa
5350 East Marriott Drive, Phoenix
Hotel Resort
The Phoenician Resort, Scottsdale
6000 E Camelback Rd, Scottsdale
Hotel Resort
Sanctuary on Camelback Mountain Resort and Spa
5700 E McDonald Dr, Paradise Valley
Hotel Resort
Marriott's Canyon Villas at Desert Ridge
5220 E Marriott Dr, Phoenix
Hotel Resort
Rancho de los Caballeros
1551 S Vulture Mine Rd, Wickenburg
Hotel Resort
Fairmont Scottsdale Princess
7575 E Princess Dr, Scottsdale
Hotel Resort
The Hermosa Inn & LON's
5532 N Palo Cristi Rd, Paradise Valley
Hotel Resort
Scottsdale Marriott At McDowell Mountains
16770 North Perimeter Drive, Scottsdale
Kimpton Hotel Palomar Phoenix
2 E Jefferson St, Phoenix
The Clarendon Hotel
401 W Clarendon Ave, Phoenix
Hotel Resort
Hotel Valley Ho
6850 E Main St, Scottsdale
Hotel Resort
The Boulders Resort & Spa
34631 N. Tom Darlington Drive, Carefree
Hotel Resort
Westin Kierland Resort & Spa
6902 E Greenway Pkwy, Scottsdale
Hotel Resort
The Madison Hotel Morristown, NJ
1 Convent Rd, Morristown
Embassy Suites by Hilton Phoenix Scottsdale
4415 E Paradise Village Pkwy S, Phoenix
Hotel Resort
Omni Scottsdale Resort & Spa at Montelucia
4949 E Lincoln Dr, Paradise Valley
Hotel Resort
Hilton Scottsdale Resort & Villas
6333 N Scottsdale Rd, Scottsdale
Top of the Rock AZ
2000 W Westcourt Way, Tempe
Hotel Resort
The Wigwam
300 E Wigwam Blvd, Litchfield Park
Hotel Resort
Fairmont Scottsdale Princess
7575 E Princess Dr, Scottsdale
Hotel Resort
Phoenix Marriott Resort Tempe at The Buttes
2000 W Westcourt Way, Tempe
Real estate agents nearby

Also check these Real estate agents nearby:

JK Realty
1760 E Pecos Rd Ste 501, Gilbert
Real Estate Agent, Real Estate Company, Real Estate Service
Conway Real Estate
1425 W Elliot Rd, Gilbert
Real Estate Agent, Real Estate Service
CAKE: Lifestyle Design
2237 e. Devon ct., Gilbert
Real Estate Agent
Melanie Nemetz Team- Fostering Relationships
3341 E Queen Creek Rs #109, Gilbert
Real Estate Agent
Mara Benson
13634 E Williams Field Rd, Gilbert
Real Estate Agent
Vincent Davis, Realtor and Associate Broker at West USA Realty 480 739 3338
70 S Val Vista Dr # A3-277, Gilbert
Real Estate Agent
Jason Crittenden Team
3530 S Val Vista Dr 114, Gilbert
Real Estate Agent, Real Estate Service
Nikki Stewart- Your Canadian Arizona Connection for Real Estate
275 E Rivulon #409, Gilbert
Real Estate Agent
Dani Miller - The Real Estate Firm
Real Estate Agent
Joseph Ayatta Residential Real Estate
936 E. Williamsfield Road #103, Gilbert
Real Estate Agent, Real Estate Service
Jeremy Demers
100 E San Angelo Ave, Gilbert
Real Estate Agent
Realtor David Arustamian
275 E Rivulon Blvd, Ste 409, Gilbert
Real Estate Agent
Scott Cook - Realtor
1425 S Higley STE 104, Gilbert
Real Estate Agent
Wayne Knight - ProSmart Realty
1355 S Higley Rd., Suite 111, Gilbert
Real Estate Agent, Real Estate Service
Justin Cook - Realtor
1425 S Higley Rd, Ste 104, Gilbert
Real Estate Agent
RE/MAX Solutions Arizona
1425 S Higley Rd, Gilbert
Real Estate Agent, Real Estate Service
Nikol Adamski, Realtor, Realty ONE Group
3530 S Val Vista Dr, Ste 114, Gilbert
Real Estate Agent
Dustin Holindrake - My Home Group
625 N. Gilbert Rd. Suite 204, Gilbert
Real Estate Agent, Real Estate Service
Big Helper Realty Group
2730 S Val Vista Dr. Suite 129, Gilbert
Real Estate Agent
ProSmart Realty
1355 S Higley Rd. Suite# 111, Gilbert
Real Estate Agent, Real Estate Service
Kelly McCormack - JK Realty
1760 E Pecos Rd # 501, Gilbert
Real Estate Agent
David C Massey
2168 E. Williams Field Rd # 240, Gilbert
Real Estate Agent
Make The Right Call-Debbie Duvall For Your Arizona Real Estate Needs
Home Office, Gilbert
Real Estate Agent, Real Estate Service
Stanton Realty
Real Estate Agent
The Fowler Team Real Estate Group
2680 S. Val Vista Dr. #101, Gilbert
Real Estate Agent
Hair salons nearby

Also check these Hair salons nearby:

Colair Beauty Lounge
1440 S Higley Road suite 108, Gilbert
Hair Salon
20 Volume - Aveda Lifestyle Salons & Spa
1464 E. Williams Field Rd. Suite 101, Gilbert
Cosmetics Store, Hair Salon
Curls Gone Wild
610 N Gilbert Rd, Ste 304, Gilbert
Hair Salon
White Lotus Salon and Spa
1530 S Val Vista Dr Ste 101, Gilbert
Hair Salon
Toni&Guy SanTan Pavillion
15441 East Williams Field Row Building E, Suite 106, Gilbert
Hair Salon
Salon Amore
207 N Gilbert Rd, Gilbert
Beauty Store, Hair Salon
Buffy's Salon
1030 S Gilbert Rd Ste 103, Gilbert
Barber Shop, Hair Salon
Lash and Blow Salon
1054 N Gilbert Rd, Gilbert
Hair Salon
Jess Salon
3459 E Baseline Rd. Ste 1, Gilbert
Hair Salon
The Uncensored Stylist
3303 E Gary Way, Gilbert
Hair Salon
Beau Caprice Salon
6318 S Higley Rd, Gilbert
Barber Shop, Hair Salon
Urban Hair Design
1661 S. Val Vista Dr. Ste 108, Gilbert
Barber Shop, Hair Salon
Maj's Salon
29 N Val Vista Dr Ste 102, Gilbert
Hair Salon
No5 Hair Co.
235 E Warner Rd, Suite 105, Gilbert
Hair Salon
Precision Cut
70 S Val Vista Dr, Ste A-4, Gilbert
Barber Shop, Hair Salon
Modern Color Hair Studio
6318 S Higley Rd suite #102 studio #1, Gilbert
Hair Salon
Salon Lola - Gilbert, AZ
3479 E Baseline Rd Ste 18, Gilbert
Hair Salon
Geo's barbershop
1939 E Baseline Rd, Gilbert
Barber Shop, Hair Salon
All Dolled Up Studio
3459 E Baseline Rd, Ste 11, Gilbert
Hair Salon
Yourstyle Salon
1939 E Baseline Rd, Gilbert
Barber Shop, Beauty Supply Store, Hair Salon
Snip-its Haircuts for Kids
2743 S Market St, SanTan Village, Gilbert
Hair Salon
Executive Men's Grooming
785 West Warner Road A102, Gilbert
Barber Shop, Hair Salon
Sport Clips Haircuts of Gilbert
1084 S. Gilbert Road, Suite 102, Gilbert
Barber Shop, Hair Salon
Cre8ive Colors
1401 E Williams Field Rd, Gilbert
Beauty Supply Store, Hair Salon